Top Private Art Collectors in 2024

In 2023, the art world is thriving with numerous private art collectors making their mark. Some of the top private art collectors include:

1. King Charles III: As of September 8, 2022, King Charles III owns the largest private art collection in the world, consisting of 7,000 paintings.

2. Ezra and David Nahmad: These brothers have an impressive collection valued at $3 billion, primarily focusing on Impressionist and modern art. Their most iconic piece is Picasso’s Jacqueline (1955).

3. David Geffen: With a collection worth $2.3 billion, Geffen’s focus is on mid-century American artists. His most iconic piece is David Hockney’s The Splash.

4. Eli Broad and Edythe Broad: This couple has amassed a significant collection of contemporary art, including works by Jeff Koons, Cindy Sherman, and Roy Lichtenstein.

5. Philip Niarchos: Inheriting a vast fortune and extensive art collection from his father, Stavros Niarchos, Philip has continued to expand the collection with pieces such as Basquiat’s self-portrait and Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Red and Green Burning Car I (1963).

6. Paul Allen: With a collection valued at over $1.6 billion, Allen’s most expensive piece is Seurat’s Les Poseuses, Ensemble (Petite version), which sold for $149.2 million.

7. Francois Pinault: Owning a collection worth $1.4 billion, Pinault focuses on modern and contemporary art. His most iconic piece is Piet Mondrian’s Tableau Losangique II.

8. Claribel and Etta Cone: These sisters have a collection valued at over $1 billion, primarily focusing on modern art.

9. Madonna: The pop icon has an art collection worth around $100 million, featuring nude photography, Art Deco accents, and female artists. Her most iconic pieces include Picasso’s Buste de Femme a la Frange and Fernand Léger’s Les Deux Bicyclettes.

10. Leonardo DiCaprio: With a diverse collection valued at over $10 million, DiCaprio’s most iconic pieces are Pablo Picasso’s Fillette Couronne au Bateau (1939) and Walton Ford’s The Tigress. These collectors represent a wide range of interests and styles, showcasing the diversity and richness of the art world in 2023.


LANA Evanova - the artist